How well God must like you--you don't hang out at Sin Saloon, you don't slink along Dead-End Road, you don't go to Smart-Mouth College. Instead you thrill to GOD's Word, you chew on Scripture day and night. You're a tree replanted in Eden, bearing fresh fruit every month, Never dropping a leaf, always in blossom. You're not all like the wicked, who are mere windblown dust--Without defense in court, unfit company for innocent people. God charts the road you take. The road they take is Skid Row. Ps 1 Msg
This is the amazing first psalm that has been mentioned over my life time and again. God loves to warns us to stay right with Him. Today I heard it again and I looked it up in the Message version. The verse, "You are replanted ....." makes a lot of sense! In Revelation we see the Tree of Life which bears fruit every month, its 12 varieties and the leaves were for the healing and the restoration of the nations. There is a striking similarity in Gen 2:9, if we "see or hear in the spirit" what God is saying to us. God Himself requires this posture of us when He said, "He who is able to hear, let him listen to and give heed to what the Spirit says to the assemblies (churches). To him who overcomes (is victorious), I will grant to eat (of the fruit) of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God. (Rev 2:7)".
Although there was a warning in today utterance, the timeframe is unclear. Whether it is past or present is not certain. The prayer was for an Elijah anointing, as a forerunner to the call for preparation, in anticipation of the Bridegroom's return. Also mentioned was Jezebel and Ahab who will be there to taut this assignment, in fact, to cut it down....the tree!
In the Hebrew custom, the bride is bethroned to the groom a year or more in advance, of the consummation of the marriage. The cup is presented to the bride and if she drinks of it then the vows are taken and she will remain faithful till the groom returns for her. The father of the groom prepares the home for his son and bride to be, possibly an extension to their existing home. Only when all is completed will the father allow the groom to return for his bride which is usually done at an hour close to midnight and she is "stolen" away from his in-laws and taken back to the wedding feast at the groom's home. The guest will then celebrate whilst the groom takes his bride into his home to consummate the marriage. What a picture of our Lord Jesus Christ coming back for His bride, the church.
The question to ask is, will I be faithful and ready at the hour, (which only the Father knows) He returns?
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