An amazing depth of conviction, this thing called "passion". What comes to mind? Yes, the movie - The Passion of The Christ. The proof is this, at some point of the movie (if not most of it) you will find nobody without tears in their eyes! This same determination Jesus had to complete His task on earth, should be ours!
Wow! this is the feeling most of us, if not all, had as we streamed out of the meeting room, where a visiting speaker shared on this subject. All of us had a "stirring" within us which if we obeyed will lead us to this "passion".
Nehemiah was the Book the speaker expounded on, as we considered how we too can catch this element called passion. He was a cupbearer before the King and so he had a "good" life. He was a prayerful man in captivity and he prayed for his homeland. Nehemiah heard how bad things were, in his homeland and became consumed with sorrow. The walls of his former gated community was broken down and the gates destroyed by fire.
Defying the culture of his time he stood before the King, sad. But the King who was concerned for his faithful servant asked, "Why do you look sad, since you are not sick?". Nehemiah despite being afraid, told the King the reason for his demeanor.
The King granted him favor to be send back to his city to rebuild it. When Nehemiah arrived to his community his passion became stronger, as he witnessed the devastation face to face. He galvanized the support of people of the community, encouraged them and went about the business of rebuilding the walls and gates of the city.
As God had empowered Nehemiah , He empowered this community too, to complete this great task in 52 days, an impossible feat by any human standard. This venture was even more amazing because the men had to both build the walls and be ready to fight off the surrounding enemies. Nehemiah burning "passion" to complete this task was fulfilled and he returned back to the King.
This example can be the same for us. We too need to find out what is God's purpose for us and develop the passion for that cause and obey Him. Like Jesus, (despite the trials and persuction ahead of Him) let us push through, to fulfill the will of God for our lives.
In conclusion, I must remember what the Word read in 2 Thessalonians 3:13 ...And as for you, brethern, do not become weary or lose heart in doing right (but continue in well-doing without weakening).
Nehemiah name was recorded in the Hall of Faith, so too can ours be, as we stand before our Master who will say to us, "Well done good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things, Come and share your Master's happiness!" Amen!!
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