With today's homework we would have covered 16 major themes that will recur throughout His Word. They often appear with many such similar themes found with its base in the Gen 1:1 to Gen 3:24 cluster. We will examine these patterns as we cover our daily reading sessions.
So what do these combined readings of Jan 2 and Jan 3 reveal?
It starts with the preparation of everything for mankind. therefore our verbiage should reflect such.
Theme 1:Creation till mankind or Everything created for man or New Creation before mankind existed
Theme 2: Mankind in God's image to oversee creation or Mankind made in the image of God to have dominion over God's creation
So work on all these themes which is different from the parallelism we saw within Genesis Chapter 1. The last theme seems like a punishment for the disobedience by removal from the land.
This is only one of the verses but our goal is to seek if the 16 major themes are actually also found in Cain's story which is tomorrow's study! Be patient and you will be rewarded with an amazing time in His Word.
This is an interesting way God as Father has placed repeats for His imperfect children or individuals like us to take note of. He is lovingly "nagging" at us His children to follow the TRUTH !
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