Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The reason for the season

The study of Genesis in our Precept upon precept classes will be in 5 parts. It will be facilitated for 40 weeks in 3 semesters and will take the whole of 2009 to complete, with the appropriate semester breaks. Being the key foundation of the Bible it is imperative that we take the time to really dig into it.

This foundation is built upon the trinity - starting in verse 1 with God, in verse 2 His Spirit and verse 3 His Word (Son). They are all equal and everything started with God so we cannot not mention the trinitrian personality of God in whose image we are made - body, soul and spirit! It is now clear why in verse 26 "Us" is used.

In the Gospel of John Chapter 1 and verse 1 we then see the confirmation of God's Word which starts with "In the beginning was the Word (Son)...." The Word of God always confirms what is stated, at many other portions of the Bible.

Adam is the first man formed and made by God. Jesus is the last Adam conceived by Mary when the Holy Spirit came upon her and the power of the Most High overshadowed her. There was no Adamic nature (DNA)in Jesus because Mary borne the Incorruptible Seed in her womb and was of the righteous line which started with Seth (Genesis 5). This was prophesied by God when He shared His redemptive plan with Adam and Eve and the serpent in Genesis Chapter 3!

In John Chapter 1 we see, in verse 14 of the NASB edition, "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.", Jesus coming to earth - His creation and living as one of us. He knows and has suffered all of our trails, temptation and testings and He overcame it all. He purchased back mankind with His ultimate sacrifice by dying for us as the ransom payment, so that none of us should perish!

Emmanuel - God with us! He is the reason for the season. Hallelujah

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