Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Personal Testimony

Let me share with you the greatest thing that happened in my life.

I was born a Hindu into a below average income household. My parent and my five siblings lived in a one bedroom government quarters. I grew up as a very shy and introverted person with an inferior complex.

During my final year in school, a Christian classmate of mine invited me to attend a Christian meeting. In this meeting the speaker spoke about his life which sounded similar to mine. Throughout the meeting I felt enveloped by a love which I had never felt before. I stood up before the crowd, when invited by the speaker and prayed a prayer to accept Jesus Christ as my Savor and Lord.

As my dad retired that same year I finished school, I had to start working to support the family. I prayed for God’s divine intervention in my working career. My daily prayer time with Jesus caused me to be bold, hardworking and succeed. I rose up from the position of a clerk and teller in a local bank to being a Business Development Director for Asia Pacific in a multinational corporation and most recently I serve Jesus before tens, hundreds and even thousands. Jesus has exposed me to many situations and trials in the past 30 years and He continues to help me to grow in confidence and boldness.

As I conclude I would like to ask you if you felt you have a need for Jesus Christ to do similar things in your life. Would you too like to receive Him as your Savior and Lord? Please reply by sending a comment to this blog.